57 Ushigome-kagurazaka/牛込神楽坂

The main street was called Kakuei Steet in the late Showa period.  It is a one-way street from North to South from 0:00 to 12:00 and South to North from 13:00 to 24:00 every day (closed to automobile from 12:00 to 13:00).  This irregular arrangement was said to be set for allowing Kakuei Tanaka, the former Prime Minister of Japan (1972-1974), to commute from his house in Mejiro to the Diet Building.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

The area has a long history as a geisha town and many restaurants and bars are located along the main street and back alleys, which include two Michelin three-star restaurants.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

Beside the entertainment district is a quiet residential area.  The official residence of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is in the area.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

One of the top French restaurants in Tokyo is in the residential area.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

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