55 Suidobashi/水道橋

Suidobashi Station is located beside Suidobashi Bridge over Kanda River.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

Tokyo Dome City is on the north side of the station, of which site was the main residence of Mito Tokugawa Shogun Family in the Edo period.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

Japanese feudal lords supported Noh play.  A Noh theater of Hosho Noh School, which has centuries of history, is located close to Suidobashi Station.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

South of Suidobashi Station is an area of small office buildings, bars and restaurants.

April 2024
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Foigtlander Nokton 23mm F1.2

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