33 Ichigaya/市ヶ谷

Ichigaya Station is located at the crossing of the Yasukuni Avenue and the outer moat of the Edo Castle.

April 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Fujifilm XF23mmF2 R WR

If you go down the Yaasukuni Avenue from Ichigaya Station to the west, you will find the large site of the Ministry of Defense, where Yukio Mishima committed seppuku (hara-kiri) suicide in 1970.

April 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Fujifilm XF23mmF2 R WR

If you go up the Yasukuni Avenue from Ichigaya Station to the east, you will arrive at Yasukuni Shrine in ten minutes.

April 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Fujifilm XF23mmF2 R WR

If you go along the inner moat of the Edo Castle, you will find cherry trees along the walkway on the bank.

April 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Fujifilm XF23mmF2 R WR

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