46 Myogadani/茗荷谷

There are many well-known schools around Myogadani station including Ochanomizu University (top women’s university) and attached elementary and junior and senior high schools (photo below), Takushoku University, the legal department of Chuo University, the satellite campus of Tsukuba University and The Open University of Japan, the elementary and junior and senior high schools attached to Tsukuba University, the elementary and junior high schools attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, etc.

December 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Carl Zeiss Biogon T* 2.8/28 ZM

Also, there are dormitories for university students operated by prefectural public funds, including those of Aichi, Okayama, Gifu, Nara, Ishikawa and Toyama, and student housings of the universities.

December 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Carl Zeiss Biogon T* 2.8/28 ZM

Kyoikunomori Park is a one-minute walk from Myogadani station and located on the former site of Tokyo University of Education, which was established in 1872 and reorganized into Tsukuba University in 1978.

December 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Carl Zeiss Biogon T* 2.8/28 ZM

Myogadani station is located on the boundary of Koishikawa, Kohinara and Otsuka, which are quiet residential areas.  Below is a photo of Harimazaka avenue, which is leading to Koishikawa Botanical Garden and well-known for its cherry blossoms.

December 2023
Fujifilm X-Pro2 / Carl Zeiss Biogon T* 2.8/28 ZM

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