Kanda-surugadai has been a university town since 1920s. Meiji University, Nihon University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Juntendo University are located in this area. The law school of Chuo University, which moved to a suburban area (Hachioji) in 1978, returned to this area recently.
Nikorai-do (Holly Resurrection Cathedral) was designed by a Russian architect and built in Kanda-surugadai area in 1891 as the main cathedral of Japanese Orthodox Church. The building survived the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Great Tokyo Air Raid.
Hijiri-bashi bridge crossing over the Kanda River beside the station was built in 1927. “Hijiri” has the meaning of “saint.” The bridge is located between Nikorai-do and Yushima Seido, a Confucian temple established in 1690 and named after the saints.
There were bars, restaurants and pool halls along the river between Ochanomizu and Akihabara. It is only a ten-minute walk to Akihabara.
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