Sengoku Station is located under the crossing of Nakasendo street and Shinobazu-dori avenue. The northeast of the station is an excellent first-class residential area called “Yamato-mura” (see the fourth picture of 01 Sugamo). The northwest of the station has a somewhat friendly atmosphere with an old-fashioned shopping street (see the second picture of 01 Sugamo), it also is a high-class residential area.
Compared to the north of the station, the south area is a relatively ordinary and cozy residential area developed before the Meiji restoration in 1868.
On the southeast of the station was the headquarters of Riken, which has been one of the top research institutes in many fields of science including physics, chemistry, biology, genomics, medical science, high-performance computing, etc. Riken was established in 1917 on this place and moved to Wako-shi in Saitama prefecture in 1967. The site was developed into office and residential buildings.
Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library) is located beside the former Riken site. It is one of the top Asian study centers in the world and its library contains 950,000 books on Asian culture and history in many difference languages. It also has a small museum for public displaying valuable old books.
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