Gakushuin is the school for children of the peerage during the period from 1877 to 1947. The main entrance of Gakushuin University, Boy’s Senior High School and Boy’s Junior High School is located just beside the east side of Mejiro Station.
On the west side of Mejiro Station is a shopping street for local residents, which has somewhat gentle atmosphere. There was a large residence of a Tokugawa Family on the north side of the street. A part of the site (23,000 square meter) was developed into a high-class residential area called “Tokugawa Village”. On the south side of the street was a residence of Konoe Family, which had 56,000 square meter site until 1914. Konoe Family, the most highly ranked noble family, has a long history since 12th century and had a strong connection with the Imperial Family. The 30th head of the family, Fumimaro Konoe, assumed office as prime minister in the wartime (1937-1939, 1940-1941).
Walking down the alley in a quiet residential area and passing the Patagonia’s first store in Japan, you will find a large keyaki tree standing in the middle of the alley. This tree once stood on the entrance porch of Konoe family’s residence. Behind the keyaki tree stands an old building, which was originally built as a student house of Gakushuin in 1928.
Otomeyama park was a garden of Soma Family who purchased the west half of Konoe Family’s site in 1914. In the Edo period, it was a hunting ground of Tokugawa Family and known for beautiful senary of firefly.
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